Unless you are actually an anaconda with no interest in any kind of buns whatsoever, then you have most probably heard Nicki Minaj’s song, "Anaconda." The most noticeable characteristics of this song are its appreciation for butts and disdain for “skinny bitches.” Minaj sheds some light on the underdogs of girl world—she puts the Curvy Girl on a pedestal. She turns the tables on society and calls “sexy” what it considers as ‘”fat.”
For decades, pop culture has been feeding us the idea that to be truly beautiful is to be over five feet and five inches tall with a flat belly and legs for miles. With the recent addition of the “thigh gap” to this list, girls either try really hard to reach these standards or don’t care enough to conform. Either way, they end up feeling bad about their own bodies, what with photoshopped pictures of models, teen movies and TV shows with girls freaking out over an extra pound, and petite clothing serving as reinforcements in media.
While it isn’t bad to be “skinny,” fit or just wanting to lose weight, it is bad to let such standards affect you to the point that you feel bad every time you eat or look in the mirror. If you’ve ever clutched your tummy while looking at the mirror or made the assumption that you would look terrible in a bathing suit, then you must know that feeling when someone tells you that, because of your body, you can’t.
You can’t wear a bikini because your “muffin top,” stretch marks, and “thunder thighs” are offensive.
You can’t wear or purchase this outfit because you think you’d probably never look good in it anyway.
You can’t go to McDonald’s and eat a Quarter Pounder because it will make you look even more like a pig.
You can’t wear skinny jeans because they’re called “skinny” for a reason.
You can’t aspire to be in a Victoria’s Secret show because you’re not sexy.
You can’t be a model because your body isn’t “beautiful” and models are supposed to be beautiful.
You can’t look in the mirror and accept yourself as beautiful.
For decades, pop culture has been feeding us the idea that to be truly beautiful is to be over five feet and five inches tall with a flat belly and legs for miles. With the recent addition of the “thigh gap” to this list, girls either try really hard to reach these standards or don’t care enough to conform. Either way, they end up feeling bad about their own bodies, what with photoshopped pictures of models, teen movies and TV shows with girls freaking out over an extra pound, and petite clothing serving as reinforcements in media.
While it isn’t bad to be “skinny,” fit or just wanting to lose weight, it is bad to let such standards affect you to the point that you feel bad every time you eat or look in the mirror. If you’ve ever clutched your tummy while looking at the mirror or made the assumption that you would look terrible in a bathing suit, then you must know that feeling when someone tells you that, because of your body, you can’t.
You can’t wear or purchase this outfit because you think you’d probably never look good in it anyway.
You can’t go to McDonald’s and eat a Quarter Pounder because it will make you look even more like a pig.
You can’t wear skinny jeans because they’re called “skinny” for a reason.
You can’t aspire to be in a Victoria’s Secret show because you’re not sexy.
You can’t be a model because your body isn’t “beautiful” and models are supposed to be beautiful.
You can’t look in the mirror and accept yourself as beautiful.
We think that these thoughts mostly arrive from media, and while it’s true, we’ve got Nicki, Iggy, and J-Lo telling you that you are sexy and embrace the curves that you were born with; J-Law, Katy Perry, and Amy Poehler showing you that a girl can eat whatever she wants; and Lady Gaga and Keri Hilson singing to you that you are beautiful the way you are.
Do people always have to dictate what you are, when, in fact, you are perfectly beautiful as is? No, definitely not. Society will put you in two categories, “skinny” and “fat,” then decide what you can and can’t do for you. Girls can’t be limited to just two body types, especially if these body types carry negative connotations. There are so many different types of bodies out there that need to be appreciated and catered to. If we are so comfortable sorting ourselves into black and white, then we might as well stop developing personalities and opinions.
Do people always have to dictate what you are, when, in fact, you are perfectly beautiful as is? No, definitely not. Society will put you in two categories, “skinny” and “fat,” then decide what you can and can’t do for you. Girls can’t be limited to just two body types, especially if these body types carry negative connotations. There are so many different types of bodies out there that need to be appreciated and catered to. If we are so comfortable sorting ourselves into black and white, then we might as well stop developing personalities and opinions.
Fortunately, this is where the Curvy Girl comes in. She puts a stop to this madness where a girl can only be either of those two. The Curvy Girl comes in many shapes and sizes; she can have big boobs, a big tummy, and wide hips or a small chest and wide hips or big boobs and small hips – and many more variations. She doesn’t need to be defined as skinny or fat because there are so many different types of bodies out there and they’re all beautiful.
There was a period of time in my life where I became very hateful of my body. I would call up a friend every week and sob about how ugly I was because I couldn’t take my mother’s constant fat-shaming. I knew I couldn’t stop my mother no matter what I told her, but I could stop myself from crying and taking it seriously. Even now, in school, I get shamed because I am “fat.” I know that I’m not fat—I’m curvy. I’ve got boobs, a butt, wide hips, a big tummy and a small waist. People fall under this illusion that because I’m not petite or I don’t have a thigh gap that I am “fat.” But why get hurt when I can just eat another bar of Milky Way? Why let them affect me when I can go jog any time I want to? The point is that it is your body and the change of your body is entirely up to you. No amount of insults or side-comments should dictate for you what you are and what you do.
There was a period of time in my life where I became very hateful of my body. I would call up a friend every week and sob about how ugly I was because I couldn’t take my mother’s constant fat-shaming. I knew I couldn’t stop my mother no matter what I told her, but I could stop myself from crying and taking it seriously. Even now, in school, I get shamed because I am “fat.” I know that I’m not fat—I’m curvy. I’ve got boobs, a butt, wide hips, a big tummy and a small waist. People fall under this illusion that because I’m not petite or I don’t have a thigh gap that I am “fat.” But why get hurt when I can just eat another bar of Milky Way? Why let them affect me when I can go jog any time I want to? The point is that it is your body and the change of your body is entirely up to you. No amount of insults or side-comments should dictate for you what you are and what you do.
I’d like to thank Nicki, Adele, Meghan Trainor, etc. because, hey, they’re bringing booty back and they’re not ashamed of it. They’re being proper role models for the millions of girls that look up to them. They’re telling you that because your body is different, you can.
You can wear a bikini, tankini, or a one piece because any of them will look great on you.
You can purchase whatever you want because you’re buying it for yourself and you know you’ll look amazing in it. (Why else would you want it in the first place?)
You can wear a bikini, tankini, or a one piece because any of them will look great on you.
You can purchase whatever you want because you’re buying it for yourself and you know you’ll look amazing in it. (Why else would you want it in the first place?)
You can go to McDonald’s and order a Quarter Pounder meal, a medium Coke, large fries and extra barbecue sauce because food is so damn good. Get yourself an apple pie too.
You can wear skinny jeans, high-waist shorts and mini-skirts. They all come in your size and they’ll accentuate your legs.
You can aspire to be any kind of model that you want to be and show society that beauty comes in many forms and shapes.
You can look at yourself in the mirror, smile and think, “Hey, I’m beautiful.”
Remember that nothing is impossible for you, whether you're a curvy girl or not. Society might tell you otherwise, but it is important to remember that your body is your own and not the world's.
Article by Anto
Art by Mika

Mika is a Multimedia Arts student. These days she feels more
comfortable with a guitar in her hands than her pencils. She is also
quite comfortable with the body she was given -- curvy or not, thank
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