Friday, January 16, 2015


4:46 AM

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Lights are brighter in the dark, it doesn't take a genius to figure that much. But when paired with music, they create the most astounding images, stimulating an ethereal reaction from those who watch.

EDM isn't just metronome-esque beats that are thrown out for the sake of kids that want to be cool. It's painting a picture through synths and bass drops. It's creating a new environment by changing the air we breath. It's subtle mind control, slowing or quickening the pace of our heartbeats in accordance to the music.

Visualize the song - you'll see what I mean.

Playlist by Nikki 
Tracklist Art by Trianne 
Cover photo by Andrea

Nikki is a girl that sometimes feels like a boy, and is also an all-around art enthusiast and a linguist that likes the mysterious sounds words make. She likes wearing round spectacles of any sort, playing with her makeup when she’s bored, and envisioning outfits for various kinds of occasions. She has a style diary here and maintains a twitter that experiences extreme lows and highs of activity.
Presumably human (although we have our doubts), Andrea is a Padawan of art, fashion and photography, a feminist, a non-conformist and a Pastafarian. And also seems to like speaking in third person.
Trianne is a girl who enjoys meeting new people but tries not to be socially-awkward. She has never ending thoughts about everything and daydreams of lying on a bed of fries. Most of the time you'll hear her passionately singing the wrong line to a song.


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