Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Musical Journey

6:38 AM

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 Ateneo Blue Symphony ended this season with ‘Journey’. Jiah and I came to watch our friend Ram perform.

President Nathania Chua gave a short and sweet speech. “This is your orchestra. This is your journey.”

A guest singer from Blue Repertory performed "O Mio Babbino". SHE WAS AMAZING.

 Here is one of the members performing a marvelous flute solo.

And here's Ram! What a jaw-dropping performance! [okay, maybe we're a little biased]

 The Maestro talked a little bit about the struggles of the orchestra such as the long hours dedicated to rehearsals and having to move their instruments around so much. It's very inspiring that they still choose to perform. 

Jiah was feeling melancholic as the orchestra played some songs from the Titanic soundtrack.

Thank you for the rollercoaster ride. Thank you for sharing your journey, Blue Symph. 

Photos by Jiah
Words by Shekinah
Shekinah is a passive observer of others’ expressions. On the contrary, she finds difficulty in expressing thoughts of her own, an internal disaster stemming from her abundant exposure to painstakingly beautiful verses she purposefully hunts down.  Her contemplations, despite being caged in the dark insides of her cranium, are endless and incessant. She finds burden in having to explain her name to everyone she meets and, hence, prefers to go by “Ken”."
Jiah tries. He really does.


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